The ShareBaseSdk features logging of HTTP requests and responses.
For convenience, metadata is stored as scope data.
The following example demonstrates how to display the data, though implementations can vary:
using Hyland.ShareBaseSdk;
using Hyland.ShareBaseSdk.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ShareBaseSdkLoggingExample
/// <summary>
/// Sample program demonstrating ShareBaseSdk logging.
/// Dependencies:
/// - Hyland.ShareBaseSdk (tested with 0.50.0)
/// - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (tested with 3.1.2)
/// - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (tested with 3.1.2)
/// </summary>
public class Program
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole().SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
var consoleLogger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();
var shareBaseLogger = new ShareBaseLogger(consoleLogger, "ShareBaseSdkLoggingExampleProgram");
using var client = new ShareBaseClient("https://app.sharebase.mx/sharebaseapi/", "Bearer TokenValueHere", "Dev Testing", "v0.0.0", shareBaseLogger);
IEnumerable<IShareBaseDocument> documents;
using (var scope = shareBaseLogger.BeginScope("GetDocuments"))
documents = await client.GetDocumentsInFolderAsync(726);
foreach (var d in documents)
/// <summary>
/// Use with the ShareBaseSDK to get meaningful logging info.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ShareBaseLogger : ILogger
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly LoggingContext _loggingContext;
public ShareBaseLogger(ILogger logger, string context)
_logger = logger;
_loggingContext = new LoggingContext(context);
void ILogger.Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)
string message = state.ToString();
Dictionary<string, object> properties = _loggingContext.Properties;
if (eventId != null)
properties["EventId"] = eventId.Name;
if (exception != null)
properties["Exception"] = exception.ToString();
// In this sample, we concatenate the properties into the message, and send it
// to an ILogger. In other cases, the properties could get used as column
// values.
if (properties.Count > 0)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(message);
foreach (var property in properties)
stringBuilder.Append($"\n\t**{property.Key}**: {property.Value}");
message = stringBuilder.ToString();
_logger.Log(logLevel, message);
public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel)
return _logger.IsEnabled(logLevel);
public class NullScope : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state)
if (state == null)
// Return a null scope if there isn't anything to add
// because the main logging context removes scopes on
// the Dispose() call.
return new NullScope();
return _loggingContext;
// This class keeps track of all the scopes created when BeginScope() is used
// determines the resulting Dictionary of properties that need to be logged.
private class LoggingContext : IDisposable
private List<object> _stack = new List<object>();
public LoggingContext() { }
public LoggingContext(object scope)
public LoggingContext AddScope(object scope)
return this;
private void RemoveLastScope()
_stack.RemoveAt(_stack.Count - 1);
public void Dispose()
public Dictionary<string, object> Properties
var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var contextNameParts = new List<string>();
var additionalData = new List<object>();
foreach (var scope in _stack)
// If the scope is a Dictionary<string, object> we will treat them as properties of the
// log message that will each be displayed as their own property.
// These could get displayed as columns in a logging implementation
if (scope is Dictionary<string, object>)
// If any scopes the use the same property name, the newest value is used
foreach (var property in scope as Dictionary<string, object>)
properties[property.Key] = property.Value;
// If the scope is a simple string, use it as part of the Context name
// which is displayed as a "Context" value in the log output
else if (scope is string)
contextNameParts.Add(scope as string);
// If the scope is not used for context name or for properties, just serialize it and
// stash it in a generic column called "MiscData". The ShareBaseClient is currently
// only creating scopes in the above two formats, but in case that changes, we
// can catch data here instead of just omitting it from the log completely
// Join each context name part together with a period
properties["Context"] = string.Join(".", contextNameParts);
if (additionalData.Count > 0)
properties["MiscData"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(additionalData);
return properties;
An execution of this sample program would display something similar to this:
trce: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExample.Program[0]
Sending request to ShareBase API: api/folders/726/documents
**Method**: GET
**Uri**: api/folders/726/documents
**Context**: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExampleProgram.GetDocuments
trce: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExample.Program[0]
Response received from ShareBase API: 200-OK-381
**Method**: GET
**Uri**: api/folders/726/documents
**ResponseCode**: 200
**ResponseMessage**: OK
**Content Length**: 381
**Context**: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExampleProgram.GetDocuments
trce: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExample.Program[0]
Response: [{"DocumentId":8956,"DocumentName":"data2.bin","FolderId":726,"DateModified":"2020-06-08T20:57:58.1686628Z","Hash":"W5aoOYLU8bqDIibpNWaeziupy0s=","Links":{"Self":"https://app.sharebase.mx/sharebaseapi/api/documents/8956","Content":"https://app.sharebase.mx/sharebaseapi/api/documents/8956/content","Revisions":"https://app.sharebase.mx/sharebaseapi/api/documents/8956/revisions"}}]
**Method**: GET
**Uri**: api/folders/726/documents
**ResponseCode**: 200
**ResponseMessage**: OK
**Content Length**: 381
**Context**: ShareBaseSdkLoggingExampleProgram.GetDocuments