The following pages provide technical documentation on usage of the ShareBase SDK.
API tokens are required to use the ShareBase SDK. ShareBase Site Administrators can create API tokens in ShareBase Administration on the API Tokens page. Please visit the ShareBase Help files for more information on ShareBase and ShareBase Administration.
The API token provides authentication access to ShareBase. API responses are based on the rights and permissions of the user credentials designated for the API token. Any actions performed by the ShareBase SDK are recorded in the activity of the relevant ShareBase document, folder, or library based on the user credentials designated for the token.
Some features require the user to have ShareBase Site Administration privileges, so it is recommended to use Site Administrator credentials for the token. It is also recommended to use a dedicated ShareBase user for integrations for better audit tracking and troubleshooting. Please see the ShareBase Help files for more information on creating API tokens in ShareBase Administration.
It is recommended that any integrations using the ShareBase SDK work directly with a ShareBase Corporate Library and not a specific user's My Files.
A recommended starting point for reading is the ShareBaseClient class.